Search results for: Press release

Tony Hynes appointed as the new CEO of Aurelia Turbines

Tony Hynes has been appointed as the new CEO of Aurelia Turbines. Mr Hynes, originally from the UK, has been Aurelia’s Commercial Director for over seven years. Prior to that, he held senior executive and director level positions at a number of international turbine and energy companies. ‘Hynes is a broadly experienced executive whose international experience will be put to full use at Aurelia, n…
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Der finnische Klimafonds investiert in den Wasserstoffturbinen-Hersteller Aurelia Turbines

Lappeenranta, Finnland:   Der finnische Klimafonds hat Aurelia Turbines ein Kapitaldarlehen von 5 Millionen Euro gewährt. Aurelia Turbines vertreibt die effizientesten Mikrogasturbinen der Welt. Darüber hinaus wurde die Turbine für die Verwendung von Wasserstoff, Biogas, synthetischem Gas sowie anderen erneuerbaren Brennstoffen und Sonderbrennstoffen konzipiert. Laut Matti Malkamäki, CEO von…
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The Finnish Climate Fund invests in hydrogen turbine manufacturer Aurelia Turbines

Lappeenranta, Finland: The Finnish Climate Fund has granted a capital loan of €5 million to Aurelia Turbines. Aurelia Turbines produces the most efficient small gas turbines in the world. The turbines have been designed to use hydrogen, biogas and synthetic gas, as well as other renewable and non-standard fuels. According to Matti Malkamäki, CEO of Aurelia Turbines, Aurelia's products enable a…
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Aurelia CEO Matti Malkamäki chosen to the steering group of the Finnish hydrogen cluster

Matti Malkamäki, the CEO of Aurelia Turbines, has been chosen to the steering group of the Finnish hydrogen cluster. A company-led national hydrogen cluster has been established to boost the hydrogen economy and develop the export of hydrogen-related solutions. The cluster accelerates the development of the hydrogen economy and the competitiveness of enterprises by promoting investment and an ope…
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Aurelia Turbines nimittää Swedbankin johtavaksi neuvonantajaksi rahoitusvaihtoehtojen tutkimiseen

Aurelia Turbines Oy on nimittänyt Swedbank AB:n (publ) johtavaksi taloudelliseksi neuvonantajaksi tutkimaan erilaisia ​​rahoitusvaihtoehtoja. Vaihtoehtoihin kuuluu mahdollisuus listautumisantiin (IPO) listaamalla yhtiön osakkeet Nasdaq Helsinki First Northiin. Aurelia Turbines on edistynyt merkittävästi sen jälkeen, kun se vuonna 2013 alkoi kehittää uuden sukupolven Aurelia®A400 -kaasuturbiinia.…
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Participation in projects supports our efforts to be closely involved in sustainable development and the future in the energy sector/industry. The projects also contribute to and strengthen cooperation between our different partners / stakeholders. Aurelia Turbines is involved in the following projects MARPOWER Project The maritime sector’s transition to zero-emission transport is crucia…
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Aurelia Turbines to decarbonise islands in Horizon 2020 project

Aurelia Turbines is proud to join Robinson, a Horizon 2020 project aimed to help decarbonise islands. The project will optimise the utilisation of local renewable resources by deploying an integrated, smart and cost-efficient energy system coupling thermal and electrical networks, demonstrated in industrial environment on the Eigerøy island, Norway. The ambition of Robinson is to decrease the ene…
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Aurelia Turbines mukaan kansalliseen vetyklusteriin − klusteri edistää yhteistyöllä vetytalouteen siirtymistä

Lappeenrantalainen turbiinivalmistaja Aurelia Turbines on liittynyt mukaan kansalliseen vetyklusteriin. Yritysvetoinen klusteri on perustettu vauhdittamaan vetytaloutta ja kehittämään vetyyn liittyvien ratkaisujen vientiä. Aurelia Turbinesin toimitusjohtaja Matti Malkamäki toimii vetyklusterin ohjausryhmän lisäksi nyt myös EU:ta vetytalouteen siirtävässä European Clean Hydrogen Alliancessa. Yrit…
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Aurelia Turbines beginnt mit der Auslieferung seiner Gasturbinen

Aurelia Turbines, der Hersteller der effizientesten Mikrogasturbinen der Welt, hat seine erste für die gewerbliche Nutzung vorgesehene Turbine geliefert. Von der Produktionsstätte Aurelias im finnischen Lappeenranta wurde die Aurelia®A400-Turbine an einen Kunden geliefert. Die Aurelia®A400-Turbine eignet sich ideal zur Energiegewinnung durch Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung (KWK) in dezentralen Versorgungsst…
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Aurelia Turbines commences deliveries of its gas turbines

Aurelia Turbines, the producer of the most efficient small gas turbines in the world, has commenced deliveries by shipping its first turbine for commercial use. The Aurelia® A400 turbine was sent to a client from Aurelia’s factory in Lappeenranta, Finland. The Aurelia® A400 turbine is ideally suited for small-scale combined heat and power (CHP) generation in decentralised grids across the world.…
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Aurelia Turbines aloitti kaasuturbiiniensa toimitukset Lappeenrannasta – polttoaineena myös vety

Aurelia Turbines on aloittanut kaasuturbiinien toimitukset asiakkailleen tehtaaltaan Lappeenrannasta. Uutta huipputeknologiaa edustava turbiini on suunniteltu käyttämään vetyä, biokaasua, synteettistä kaasua sekä muita uusiutuvia ja epätyypillisiä polttoaineita. Suomalaisen yhtiön huipputeknologia on kehitetty yhteistyössä Lappeenrannan LUT-yliopiston kanssa. Sarjatuotannon alkaminen vahvistaa LU…
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Business Strategy Our strategy is to focus on advance turbine system design and work in partnership with suppliers and distribution channels to provide to end users with the most clean and energy efficient turbines in the world. Brochures Download PDF English PDF German PDF Datasheets Download PDF A400 English iA400 English   Grants and Financial Support Company is financed…
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Aurelia Turbines starts EU H2020 project in September 2019

Aurelia has started the FUTURBINE project with a grant of over 2 M€ from the EU's Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase 2. The aim of the FUTURBINE project is to support Aurelia’s growth strategy by demonstrating and validating the fuel flexibility performance of Aurelia® A400 in a real time operational environment. Furthermore, the project will optimize the company’s value chain and launch its inno…
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DLR, REWAG and Aurelia Turbines to push forward the use of hydrogen as a fuel

The German Aerospace Center DLR and Regensburger energy and water supply REWAG start pushing forward the use of hydrogen as an energy source with Aurelia Turbines. The companies have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to develop the capability to burn hydrogen fuel in a high efficiency gas turbine for distributed generation applications. Under the MoU, the three will contribute their resp…
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Kaasuturbiinivalmistaja Aurelia Turbines avasi tuotantolaitoksen Lappeenrannassa

Pieniä ja hyötysuhteeltaan maailman tehokkaimpia kaasuturbiineja valmistava suomalainen Aurelia Turbines on aloittanut tuotannon Lappeenrannassa. Uusi tehdas työllistää alkuun 10 henkeä. Ensimmäiset turbiinit toimitetaan asiakkaille alkuvuonna. Suomen tehtaan lisäksi Aurelia Turbines on perustanut partnereidensa kanssa Meksikoon osakkuusyrityksen, joka valmistaa turbiineja Väli- ja Etelä-Amerikan m…
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Aurelia Turbines starts market entry into the Americas

  Aurelia Turbines announces its new dedicated distributor in Mexico, “Aurelia Turbines Mexico, SAPI de CV”. The distributor is a new company registered in Mexico City and managed by Thomas Newell. The company will dedicate to the deployment of Aurelia’s technology in both combined heat and power and baseload applications. Tony Hynes, the Commercial Director of Aurelia Turbines Oy said: “We ar…
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Aurelia Turbines and HENNLICH ENERGY embark upon market development in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia

  Aurelia Turbines Oy and HENNLICH ENERGY have entered into a business development agreement to introduce the high efficiency Aurelia™ A400 gas turbine to two of the most receptive combined heat and power markets in Europe. HENNLICH has for many years been a pioneer in bringing new and advanced power generation technologies not only to the Czech Republic but also to all its office locations acr…
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Aurelia Turbines signs partnership deal with one of the industry leading turbine services provider Greenray

As part of its commercialisation of the high efficiency A400 gas turbine, Aurelia Turbines Oy has signed a marketing cooperation agreement with Greenray Energy Solutions. Headquartered in Lincoln, England, Greenray is an experienced specialist turnkey package and service provider of gas and steam turbine systems across the globe. The companies will work together to develop opportunities in the UK…
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