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JS is a company from Taiwan and committed to meet global goal: ESG by biomass power plant design, built and turnkey solution (Engineering, Procurement & Construction).
Our team is focusing techniques on organic waste gasification and studying on application of providing sustainable energy from Syngas, Natural gas and Hydrogen transferring.
At the same time, we also have professional AI team for Biomass power plant with automatic system.
Company contact:
Tel: +886 4 2254 4328
Aurelia Turbines Mexico, SAPI de CV is a new company in Mexico City. The company will bring advanced technology to the growing cogeneration and biogas market in North America.
Aurelia Turbines Mexico has dedicated to the deployment of Aurelia’s technology in both combined heat and power and baseload applications.
Company contact:
Circular Energy is a new business in the waste recycling and recovery sector.
Utilising synthetic fuels (oil, gas), Circular Energy will expand its services to offer combined heat and power based on Aurelia's turbine products.
Company contact:
Tel: +420 736 648 365
EnergoBit offering a full range of services such as energy audit and technical design, production of electrical equipment (low and medium voltage), general contracting, maintenance and operation services. The company develops projects in the energy services market, in Romania and abroad, delivering innovative and sustainable energy solutions, designed to meet customers` specific needs.
Company contact:
Tel: +40 264 308 810
GAMA builds a micro-decentralized ”Energy and Resource Recycling Station” to solve Taiwan incinerator problems with aging and treatment capacity reducing. Also GAMA will focus on the ecological diversity and the unique geography of Taiwan. Base on long-term R&D experiences, GAMA is a leading provider of waste to energy solutions and technologies, diversified to meet recent initiatives that are consistent with meeting government targets for decentralized energy and new treatment options for waste.
Company contact:
GAMA Green-Energy Technology Co., Ltd
General Manager John Chou
Tel: +886 3 3819 840
Kolar Husky Co. Ltd. is an experienced and leading energy solutions company. Kolar Husky works with various fuels, including biogas, to deliver combined heat and power systems and heat recovery energy projects.
Kolar Husky is a full engineering service company as well as a turnkey solutions provider in the field of electrical generation and distributed generation products throughout China and the region.
Company contact:
Tel: +852 2965 9128
OTEC Pacific Pty Ltd is Aurelia's dedicated distributor for Australasia. OTEC Pacific is building a sales, service and demonstration centre network to promote and support the Aurelia product range of high efficiency, multi-fuel, low emission power generation products and services. Aurelia's superior power range enables Australian enterprises to: lower their energy costs + reduce their carbon emissions + Increase their power independence and resilience.
Company contact:
CEO Conrad Gaudin
Tel: +61 404 748 172
Thanks to its specially designed heat exchangers, ACTE offers unique solutions focused on heat and energy recovery from waste gases and also more generally on heat exchange solutions. Heat recovery becomes a requirement in more and more fields. Yet each application requires a dedicated solution: the right technology, the right performances, the right compactness, at the right cost.
ACTE heat exchangers are especially suitable for two kinds of applications:
Company contact:
Director Daniel Rodrigues, email:
AMSTEC (Pty) Ldt (Aero-Mechanical Systems Technology Engineering Consulting) has several years of experience in the power generation, and gas turbine power systems in the Southern Africa region.
Services include aeronautical, mechanical, and marine systems engineering, jet and turbo-shaft propulsion, land-based gas turbine power generation, reciprocating and turbo-charged engines, manufacturing technology and special processes, mechanical and control systems design, systems health and condition monitoring, systems engineering and integration, testing and commissioning of propulsion and power generation systems, flight test engineering, verification, validation, certification, program and projects management, quality engineering and quality systems implementation.
Company contact:
Director Gert Jansen van Rensburg, email:, website:, tel. +27 83 460 7116
Bayerngas Energy GmbH is the trusted partner for physical delivery of gas and high quality energy services. As a gas specialist, its familiar with the entire gas value chain. Fuel gas is a part of its business model. Together the companies of the Bayerngas Group form the solution platform for energy.
Company contact:
Front Office – Key Account Management, Dietmar Jelinek, email:, website:, tel. +49 89 7200 384
BTW has the products and solutions for biomass plants, thermal power plants and wind power plants. Covered in BTW's portfolio are steam turbines, boilers, turbo-compressors, maintenance and rehabilitation services for both turbines, turbo compressors and boilers.
BTW has started review the opportunity to market, sell and operate Aurelia’s turbine products in the power generation and energy efficiency markets in Turkey.
Company contact:
Email:, tel: +90 212 403 54 46, website:
CP i-Invest GmbH has several years of experience in the power and combined heat and power generation markets in Europe. Core focus of its activities is energy efficiency and related investments.
Company contact:
DI Dr. Peter Eisenkolb, email:, eebsite:
Dongturbo Electric Company Ltd (DTEC) is an international corporation, with its headquarter in Chengdu, China. Operation includes mainly engaged in the manufacturing of power electric equipment, EPCC (engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning), overhaul, retrofitting and parts supply for power plant equipment, investment & finance, and export and import business.
Company contact:
Managing Director Zhang Bo, email:, tel. +86 28 8612 3963, mobile +86 139 0807 3010, website:
Endowers Solutions Pvt Ltd (ES) offer complete Microturbine based Power Generation solutions that use Natural, Sour, Bio or even synthetic gases. Another path breaking product available with us is the next generation Capacitor based storage battery made from Graphene.
Endowers Solutions has started to review the opportunity to market, sell and operate Aurelia’s turbine products in the power generation and energy efficiency markets in India and “Add Value to your Business”.
Company contact:
Uttam Pathak, email:, tel. +91 922 333 6600 / 7715 99 00 99, website:
Energsis has several years of experience in the power generation and combined heat and power markets in Lithuania. Energsis has started to review the opportunity to market, sell and operate Aurelia’s turbine products in the power generation and energy efficiency markets in Lithuania.
Company contact:
CEO Saulius Bagdonas, tel: +370 619 144 41, email:
Greenray Turbines Solutions provide servicing solutions to the industrial gas turbine and steam turbine market sectors. Greenray Turbine Solutions has specialised experience of maintaining gas turbines and rotating equipment for all oil & gas and power generation industry operators.
Company contact:
Heatcatcher has 10 years’ experience of integrating the best available waste heat and power technologies into energy intensive industries operating kilns, furnaces, incinerators and gas engines. Heatcatcher's turnkey service includes proposal, to feasibility study, to full design specification, project management, installation, commissioning and the life time maintenance of the system.
Company contact:
CEO Darren Bryant, email:, website:
Hennlich s.r.o. sells a wide range of industrial components in Eastern and Central Europe through a network of its own branches, and also has its own production plants at individual locations.
Company contact:
Hydro Ventures is a UK-based Charge Point Operator leveraging micro-grids to generate and supply power directly. By producing their own electricity, Hydro overcomes many challenges associated with grid connections, effectively addressing geographical, speed, and capacity constraints that often hinder the EV charging industry, thus accelerating the transition to an all-electric market.
Company contact:
Email:, website:
MJB International (MJBI) is one of the largest independent total service providers to owners and operators of industrial gas turbines worldwide. With more than four decades of experience in supporting gas turbine packages in the Energy, Industrial and O&G sectors, MJBI is dedicated to providing end users with a comprehensive range of products, services and innovative solutions that add value to their operations.
Company contact:
Email:, website:
OX Solutions is a leading Solution Provider of Industrial Automation, Control, Instrumentation, Turbo-machinery and Services in Africa & Middle East. OX Solutions has started to review the opportunity to market, sell and operate Aurelia’s turbine products in the power generation and energy efficiency markets in Egypt.
Company contact:
OX Solutions (Engineering and Consulting Industrial Solutions), email:, tel: +20 122 798 8174, website:
Power Service Consulting GmbH (PSC) offers services for power plant operators and turbine manufacturers and is specialising in power generation maintenance, service and project development. PSC operates throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Aurelia and PSC has started cooperating and will to review the opportunity to market, sell and operate Aurelia's products in the power generation and energy efficiency markets in the German, Austrian and Swiss markets (DACH) using a variety of fuels including hydrogen.
Company contact:
Bernd Meixner, email:, website:
Signal Power Group is a conglomerate of companies and experience, initially founded specifically to assist the US Navy in the support of their TF40B engine fleet of the LCAC hovercraft. Since then, Signal Power Group has been providing reliable turbine engine modular, component repairs and solutions for the US Navy, commercial fleet operators, numerous internationally recognized luxury yachts and a variety of power generation applications. Signal Power Group Operating, LLC (SigPower) has started to review the opportunity to package, market, sell and/or operate Aurelia's turbine products in the power generation markets in the America's using a variety of fuels in several applications.
Company contact:
Director of Business Development Gregory Jandjel, email:, website:
STRATAGEM Energy (Ltd) is an independent Research and Innovation company providing insightful, timely and focused technical services and research on Engineering solutions, grouped with Business services in Greece, Cyprus and the MENA region. STRATAGEM is comprised by an expert team of high qualified Researchers, Engineers and Innovation Managers focusing to provide and offer first class R&D&I services.
Company contact:
Email:, tel: +357 967 307 83, website:
VEPOD Ltd is a specialist technology company that has been launched out of a larger group. It aims to rollout the VEPOD®, a fully containerised, drop-in EV charging solution that generates its own electricity and can charge vehicles at speeds of up to 350kW. With no requirement for a grid connection, it enable sites with constrained power from the local network to quickly offer ultra-rapid charging speeds to their clients and assist with rolling out a national high-speed EV charging infrastructure. It sees Aurelia as an important partner for the development of its non-liquid low carbon fuelled option.
Company contact:
Email:, tel. +44 20 7193 9307, website: