News and media


Continuous improvement - What comes next?

"Continuous improvement is a dynamic and continuous process, not a single improvement project at the end of which people are satisfied and return to the old static state", writes Tomi Pinomäki, Operations Manager at Aurelia Turbines, in the latest article. Read the article
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World Class supply chain

" End-to-end supply chain management is a balancing act involving security of supply, inventory control and cost efficiency. Any deviation from the right balance can cause a chain reaction where the situation gets out of control and puts customer satisfaction at risk", writes Tomi Pinomäki, Operations Manager at Aurelia Turbines, in his latest article. Read the article here .
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Meeting customer expectations with quality

"Achieving the combination of quality and continuous improvement requires that the company has a structure and processes in place to improve quality. However, a company just having processes in place does not necessarily mean that it proactively promotes quality or that quality improvement is at the core of its operations throughout the organisation", writes Tomi Pinomäki, Operations Manager at Aur…
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A400 ready for installation in Norway

Destination reached—Aurelia A400 has arrived on Eigerøy island, Norway, and can now be lifted to its place. This A400 gas turbine is part of the ROBINSON research project's pilot plant. It will be installed at the premises of the ROBINSON partner Prima Protein, which is the island’s main consumer of fossil fuels. In 2019, its consumption was equivalent to 30GWh, 80% of fossil fuel consumption in E…
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A400 on the way to Norway to use syngas and hydrogen

An Aurelia® A400 unit destined for the ROBINSON research project has been shipped out from Aurelia’s factory in Lappeenranta to the Eigerøy island in Norway. The research project is taking advantage of A400’s fuel flexibility. The turbines can use syngas, hydrogen, biogas, other renewable and non-standard fuels as well as standard fuels.
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Increasing (cost)efficiency through Focused Improvement and Cost pillar

" Productivity can mean many different things depending on, for example, the industry or process. In a production plant, productivity often refers to the ratio of the amount produced to the number of employees, the number of pieces of equipment or some other typically fairly constant unit for measuring inputs. For example, a production line’s one-day productivity can be its daily production volume…
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Foundation of world-class production

"From the customer’s point of view, suppliers’ production work creates most of the value for them; customers determine whether the supplier’s product meets their needs, especially in terms of functionality and quality. However, to succeed, a product must be designed to meet those needs before it is put into production," writes Tomi Pinomäki, Production Operations Manager at Aurelia Turbines, in his…
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Develop people with an annual training cycle

"People are the most important resource a company has at its disposal, and developing people is as important as process development. However, when talking about people, “resource” always sounds like an unnecessarily cold word", writes Tomi Pinomäki, Production Operations Manager at Aurelia Turbines, in his latest article.
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Purchase order for 20 turbine configurations from Taiwan

Taiwan-based Jhuo Sih International, Aurelia Turbines’ newly appointed integrator, has ordered 20 of Aurelia’s turbine configurations. It will locally package several units for its clients in the region using its sourced components. In addition to the turbine, Jhuo Sih can provide clients with the particular knowledge to deal with local regulatory and project requirements, help with installation an…
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Aurelia present in Taiwan’s fast-developing energy market

In November, Aurelia’s CEO Tony Hynes presented Aurelia’s vision on future energy technology at the Nordic Energy Event, the Nordic-Taiwan Sustainable Energy Forum in Taipei, and discussed the recent developments and future trends with local companies. In 2022, Taiwan announced an ambitious 2050 Net-Zero target. It opened up promising business prospects for Nordic companies operating in the energ…
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