This project has ended on 31 August 2022.
EU’s Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme that has ever been introduced. It is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe's global competitiveness.
Horizon 2020 funding is highly competitive – typically less than 10 % of the applicants receive funding. The process to receive an invitation includes an application, a review and an interview of the submission team. Aurelia’s ability to get this far in the funding process proves that Aurelia’s cutting-edge technology can greatly benefit Europe by providing a unique solution.
EU grant for Aurelia Turbines
Aurelia Turbines has been granted funding by the EU’s Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase 2. The FUTURBINE project started 1.9.2019 and the duration of the project is 2 years. The project was extended by one year and the project officially ended on 31 August 2022.

More information: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/224610/factsheet/en
The most efficient small gas turbines in the world

Aurelia® A400 is a highly innovative 400 kW gas turbine with 40.2 % electric efficiency, offering the most efficient solution in the market for small-scale processes and the SME industry. In Europe it could result in potential annual energy savings of €18 bn.
Small-scale processes and SME factories are a key part of Europe’s economy and employment, with over 20 million companies, such as dairies, breweries, small chemical facilities and building materials factories. Typically located in small towns or remote areas, they consume over 20 % of the total energy in the EU.
Currently there is no economically feasible decentralised solution in the market for their capacity range (less than 2, 000 kW) and need for high-temperature steam. So, 90 % of these SME factories use inefficient energy systems with high emissions: A400 fills this market gap.
Aurelia’s technology can be used globally in many different applications. Aurelia’s main target markets are commercial and industrial end users who require both electrical power and heat for their processes, as well as those who require steam and/or cooling. Aurelia’s turbines can run on renewable fuels as well as on nonstandard fuels.
What is the aim of the FUTURBINE project?
The aim of the FUTURBINE project is to support Aurelia’s growth strategy by demonstrating and validating the fuel flexibility performance of Aurelia® A400 in an operational environment, by optimizing the company’s value chain and integrator partner model and by continuing commercialization activities for global market entry.
The six work packages
The project is divided into six different work packages and each package is then divided into more detailed task activities. This brings focus, efficiency and deliverables for each work package.
- WP1: Industrial validation of Aurelia® A400
- WP2: Aurelia® A400 serial production readiness
- WP3: Integrator partner model implementation
- WP4: Commercial readiness
- WP5: Communication and dissemination
- WP6: Project management
Project Management Team
- Legal Entity Appointed Representative: CEO Matti Malkamäki
- Project coordination, reporting & contact point to EC: Commercial Director Tony Hynes
- Financial monitoring and reporting: CFO Janne Pottonen
- Work package leaders:
- WP1: Production Operations Manager Lauri Hiltunen
- WP2: Production Operations Manager Lauri Hiltunen
- WP3: Commercial Director Tony Hynes
- WP4: Commercial Director Tony Hynes
- WP5: Commercial Director Tony Hynes
- WP6: Commercial Director Tony Hynes
NEWS about the project
January 2023
FUTURBINE project has been selected publication in the 'Results in Brief' section of the European Commission's CORDIS website. Link to article here.
September 2022
A News of the fourth delivery. The Project officially ended on 31 August 2022 and Project Team is now focused on the last Periodic Report and the financial submission.

August 2021
Press releases of the second and the third deliveries.
March 2021
A video was released in March about how Aurelia is building the world’s most efficient small gas turbines.
Watch here: https://aureliaturbines.com/videos/aurelia-turbines-ready-to-reform-sustainable-energy-generation
February 2021
A400 assembly progressing prior to final testing and shipment.

September 2020
Approaching the end of the first year of the FUTURBINE project, all activities are well on track with some delays due to Covid-19 restrictions and delivery issues.
The development of the new hydrogen-rich syngas combustor is almost complete by our partner, German Aerospace Center (DLR) and should be delivered to Lappeenranta for assembly soon.

August 2020
Press release of the first delivery.

January 2020
The H2020 FUTURBINE project is moving forward. The hydrogen combustor development with the German Aerospace Center, DLR, is progressing well. Preparations for plant integration at the customer site are under way with our partners iGas energy GmbH and HyGas Recycling GmbH.
The commercialization work packages are advancing positively. The integrator partner model strategy and the commercialization strategy are being updated and the certification process is also well on track.
We have attended PowerGen in Paris, EMGTF in Stuttgard, TechTour in Rotterdam and Power Grids International Forum in Moscow, where we won the prize of the best presentation of the Smart Grid session.
October 2019
The project website is opened.
September 2019
Press release of the start of the project.
Aurelia in nutshell
Aurelia Turbines Oy established in 2013 in Lappeenranta, Finland, where the head officeJ and assembly facility are now located.
In the same year we developed the new IRG2-process (Intercooled and Recuperated, Generator on 2 spools) gas turbine cycle in collaboration with Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT).
First investors committed to Aurelia in early 2014.
Prototype development of A400 turbine starts.
Turbine testing well advanced -business development activities were started.
This grew the team in Lappeenranta.
Subsidiary was established in Berlin: Aurelia Turbines GmbH.
Team was enhanced with a commercial department based in the UK.
Aurelia has received its first orders and the first deliveries will follow in 2020.
2020 - 2021
The first delivery took place in August 2020. The second and the third deliveries left in August 2021.
The Project officially ended on 31 August 2022. The fourth shipment was to Mexico in September 2022.
Aurelia initial geographic focus is in Europe, Russia and North America with plans to expand thereafter.

CEO Matti Malkamäki, Aurelia Turbines
Commercial Director Tony Hynes, FUTURBINE -project at Aurelia Turbines