Search results for: climate

The Finnish Climate Fund presents Aurelia Turbines in its Corporate Social Responsibility Report

The Finnish Climate Fund has just published its first CSR report. The mission of the fund is to promote innovative climate solutions and the Code of Conduct requires the Climate Fund to assess the impact of investments on climate change when making funding decisions. From this perspective, the Climate Fund also presents Aurelia Turbines in its report. The Climate Fund's three main impact criteria…
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The Finnish Climate Fund invests in hydrogen turbine manufacturer Aurelia Turbines

Lappeenranta, Finland: The Finnish Climate Fund has granted a capital loan of €5 million to Aurelia Turbines. Aurelia Turbines produces the most efficient small gas turbines in the world. The turbines have been designed to use hydrogen, biogas and synthetic gas, as well as other renewable and non-standard fuels. According to Matti Malkamäki, CEO of Aurelia Turbines, Aurelia's products enable a…
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Malkamäki: The EU should make clean hydrogen forms equal – and learn from the IRA of the USA

“We must shift our focus away from discussing green, blue and turquoise hydrogen (H₂) and instead concentrate on the full greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions lifecycle of hydrogen production. In the United States, the technology-neutral approach to hydrogen yields more fruit than the approach used in Europe”, writes Aurelia Turbines CEO Matti Malkamäki in his latest article on LinkedIn. Despite some p…
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City of Lappeenranta highlights investment in Aurelia Turbines

The City of Lappeenranta spotlights the Finnish Climate Fund’s recent decision to invest in Aurelia Turbines. The Fund decided on a €5 million capital loan to Aurelia Turbines to speed up the deployment of more efficient industrial gas turbines using hydrogen and biogas as a fuel. The capital loan of the Fund is already the third to companies in South Karelia. Aurelia’s turbine technology is base…
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Another Aurelia turbine delivered to Germany

An Aurelia®A400 turbine has arrived today in Germany. This is the second time within a month that Aurelia Turbines has delivered a state-of-art turbine to its German clients. Germany has become an important market area for Aurelia Turbines, because Germany is investing heavily in hydrogen technology. Aurelia's low emission combustion process has been developed to use hydrogen as well as biogas, s…
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Open letter to the leaders of Germany for climate protection

Together with over 180 companies and other organizations, Aurelia Turbines GmbH has appealed to Angela Merkel, the Federal Chancellor of Germany, and other responsible German ministers to commit to the climate targets even during the current coronavirus crisis. In the open letter, Aurelia asks leaders to adopt a green stimulus package to address the economic effects of the corona crisis. Read the…
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Aurelia joins European Clean Hydrogen Alliance

Aurelia Turbines has joined the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance (ECH2A). The ECH2A aims at an ambitious deployment of hydrogen technologies by 2030, bringing together renewable and low-carbon hydrogen production, demand in industry, mobility and other sectors, and hydrogen transmission and distribution. The alliance will establish an investment agenda and support the scaling up of the hydrogen v…
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Matti Malkamäki at the Prime Minister’s climate change seminar

Aurelia Turbines’ Matti Malkamäki attended the discussion on climate change at the Finnish Prime Minister’s climate change seminar. In the seminar, almost 170 actors from different sectors of society discussed climate action in Finland, seeking concrete solutions to mitigate climate change. The discussions highlighted, for example, the need to foster new technology that helps to lower carbon dioxid…
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  TechTour The Cleantech Summit, an initiative of the Tech Tour and the International Venture Club (IVC) was held in Rotterdam on 22-23th November 2017 and it focused on showcasing the best investment opportunities within the cleantech industry in Europe. Aurelia is among the 40 most promising cleantech companies was chosen around 100 applications. Aurelia got Top Presenting Company award. (Nov…
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