Search results for: chp

Aurelia Turbines to develop a zero-emission large gas turbine for maritime transport

The European Union has entrusted Aurelia Turbines and other members of the MARPOWER consortium with a significant task: to develop an efficient zero-emissions gas turbine power system for maritime transport. This system, which goes beyond the state-of-the-art in gas turbine technology, will be a highly efficient system endowed with an intercooled recuperative two-shaft gas turbine with a bottoming…
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Aurelia turbine unit now in operation in Norway

An Aurelia® A400 turbine unit has been commissioned for the ROBINSON project in Eigerøy, Norway. On the island, the Aurelia® A400 turbine unit is the core of the new Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system. A gas-turbine CHP was chosen due to its flexibility, low maintenance and operation costs. The CHP system in Eigerøy is operated using syngas as a main fuel, mixed with bio-methane and hydrogen. I…
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A400 ready for installation in Norway

Destination reached—Aurelia A400 has arrived on Eigerøy island, Norway, and can now be lifted to its place. This A400 gas turbine is part of the ROBINSON research project's pilot plant. It will be installed at the premises of the ROBINSON partner Prima Protein, which is the island’s main consumer of fossil fuels. In 2019, its consumption was equivalent to 30GWh, 80% of fossil fuel consumption in E…
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The Finnish Climate Fund invests in hydrogen turbine manufacturer Aurelia Turbines

Lappeenranta, Finland: The Finnish Climate Fund has granted a capital loan of €5 million to Aurelia Turbines. Aurelia Turbines produces the most efficient small gas turbines in the world. The turbines have been designed to use hydrogen, biogas and synthetic gas, as well as other renewable and non-standard fuels. According to Matti Malkamäki, CEO of Aurelia Turbines, Aurelia's products enable a…
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Aurelia Turbines nimittää Swedbankin johtavaksi neuvonantajaksi rahoitusvaihtoehtojen tutkimiseen

Aurelia Turbines Oy on nimittänyt Swedbank AB:n (publ) johtavaksi taloudelliseksi neuvonantajaksi tutkimaan erilaisia ​​rahoitusvaihtoehtoja. Vaihtoehtoihin kuuluu mahdollisuus listautumisantiin (IPO) listaamalla yhtiön osakkeet Nasdaq Helsinki First Northiin. Aurelia Turbines on edistynyt merkittävästi sen jälkeen, kun se vuonna 2013 alkoi kehittää uuden sukupolven Aurelia®A400 -kaasuturbiinia.…
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Aurelia Turbines appoints Swedbank as lead advisor to explore financing options

Aurelia Turbines Oy has appointed Swedbank AB (publ) as their lead financial advisor to explore different financing options, including the possibility for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) by listing the Company's shares on Nasdaq Helsinki First North. Aurelia Turbines has reached significant technological milestones since starting the development of its highly innovative gas turbine, the Aurelia®…
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Aurelia Turbines to decarbonise islands in Horizon 2020 project

Aurelia Turbines is proud to join Robinson, a Horizon 2020 project aimed to help decarbonise islands. The project will optimise the utilisation of local renewable resources by deploying an integrated, smart and cost-efficient energy system coupling thermal and electrical networks, demonstrated in industrial environment on the Eigerøy island, Norway. The ambition of Robinson is to decrease the ene…
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Aurelia Turbines aloitti kaasuturbiiniensa toimitukset Lappeenrannasta – polttoaineena myös vety

Aurelia Turbines on aloittanut kaasuturbiinien toimitukset asiakkailleen tehtaaltaan Lappeenrannasta. Uutta huipputeknologiaa edustava turbiini on suunniteltu käyttämään vetyä, biokaasua, synteettistä kaasua sekä muita uusiutuvia ja epätyypillisiä polttoaineita. Suomalaisen yhtiön huipputeknologia on kehitetty yhteistyössä Lappeenrannan LUT-yliopiston kanssa. Sarjatuotannon alkaminen vahvistaa LU…
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Aurelia Turbines commences deliveries of its gas turbines

Aurelia Turbines, the producer of the most efficient small gas turbines in the world, has commenced deliveries by shipping its first turbine for commercial use. The Aurelia® A400 turbine was sent to a client from Aurelia’s factory in Lappeenranta, Finland. The Aurelia® A400 turbine is ideally suited for small-scale combined heat and power (CHP) generation in decentralised grids across the world.…
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Aurelia Turbines at CHP congress in Dresden from 6 to 7 November 2018

KWK 2018 – Industrieller und kommunaler KWK-Einsatz , a conference for CHP in Germany, takes place in International Congress Center Dresden (ICD) from 6 to 7 November 2018. This is already the tenth time CHP experts from different organizations are meeting in this annual conference to discuss technological development as well as the current legal and policy issues in this field. Over 20 exhibit…
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