Aurelia Turbines: One of the finalist at the DENEFF conference in Berlin 7.3.2017

In the race for the PERPETUUM 2017 Energy Efficiency Award organised by the German Enterprise Initiative Energy Efficiency (DENEFF), 10 finalists were selected. Finalists are companies whose projects and products can bring forward the energy efficiency in Germany in an innovative manner. We are happy to announce that Aurelia Turbines is one of the successful finalist.

The annual DENEFF conference where the finalists advertise their innovations, will be held on 7th March in Berlin at Umweltforum Auferstehungskirche, Pufendorfstrasse 11, Berlin. More information about the DENEFF and the event can be found here:

The conference program also includes high-ranking speakers such as Dr. Simone Peter (Bündnis 90 / Grüne), State Secretary Rainer Baake (BMWi), Brian Motherway (IEA), Andreas Kuhlmann (dena) and Prof. Dr. Manfred Güllner (Forsa). The DENEFF expects over 300 participants from the energy efficiency sector, politics, science and energy community.

The PERPETUUM 2017 Energy Efficiency Award for outstanding, innovative projects and products in the field of energy efficiency will be awarded this year for the fourth time by the DENEFF.