The most efficient small gas turbines in the world

With efficiencies above the competition, we are transforming distributed energy and heat generation.

Energy efficient

The Aurelia® A400 provides 400 kWe with an electrical efficiency greater than 40%.

Hydrogen as a fuel

Turbines can use hydrogen, biogas, synthetic gas as well as other renewable and non-standard fuels.

No methane slip

If you use natural or bio gas as a fuel, there is no methane slip from a turbine.

News News Archive

Continuous improvement - What comes next?

"Continuous improvement is a dynamic and continuous process, not a single improvement project at the end of which people are satisfied and return to the old static state", writes Tomi Pinomäki, Operations Manager at Aurelia Turbines, in the latest article. Read the article
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World Class supply chain

" End-to-end supply chain management is a balancing act involving security of supply, inventory control and cost efficiency. Any deviation from the right balance can cause a chain reaction where the situation gets out of control and puts customer satisfaction at risk", writes Tomi Pinomäki, Operations Manager at Aurelia Turbines, in his latest article. Read the article here .
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