For industries

Some industrial sub-sectors are significant greenhouse gas emitters and are more challenging to decarbonise due to their physical, technological, or market-specific circumstances. Sectors that are particularly difficult to abate include chemicals and petrochemicals. These industries benefit from flexible energy generation and combined heat and power (CHP) to achieve net zero.

Industrial manufacturing cell with robots.

Aurelia Turbines’ goal has always been to develop fuel-flexible turbines. This has been achieved by designing modular turbines that can be easily modified and maintained affordably as fuel sources change. All our turbines can utilise a wide range of fuels, from natural gas to syngas produced from waste, hydrogen, biogas, flare gases, and even recovered gases.

Aurelia has focused on achieving high efficiency. Our turbines combine exceptional electrical efficiency – exceeding 40% – with other outstanding characteristics, such as recoverable clean exhaust gases. Aurelia’s turbines are ideal for CHP generation, which provides a compelling way to reduce overall energy costs.

Fuel flexibility also offers a pathway for gradually transitioning from traditional fuels to hydrogen and other low-carbon alternatives. The proportion of hydrogen can be increased incrementally as it becomes more widely available and as clients’ other machinery becomes capable of handling a higher share of hydrogen in the fuel mix.

Aurelia Turbines’ products are already in use by several industries worldwide.